
FastConvert is a small utility program for conversion between different measurement units. It differs from numerous other conversion programs by a little bit more "intelligent" behavior. Units are automatically recognized according to their measurement unit symbol (kg, oz, g, kcal, m/s etc.). Recognized value is converted to the default unit from the same category.

My favorite feature is the automatic clipboard lookup. When you click on the program icon in system tray, the program restores to full size and checks clipboard for any textual content. If any value-unit pair is recognized in the clipboard, automatic conversion to default unit is made.

The program also has tables of constants and SI prefixes, and can be easily extended with new measurement units by textual editing of a single input file (more information about that is available in the FastConvert help file). You can download the program here:

FastConvert is a MFC application written in MS Visual C++ 5.0. Unfortunately, I lost the original source code (together with the whole hard disk content) after one bad virus infection a few years ago. Guess what, I am using backups and anti-virus software since then :).