Seminar Project

My seminar project was Dynamic Rebuilding of Syntax Tree and Appliance in Construction of Combined Language Processor. This project received the principal's award at the University of Zagreb. The purpose of the project was to construct algorithms and data structures for efficient incremental syntax analysis. Figure 2-1 shows the main windows of the demonstration program which rebuilds the syntax tree for the code written in simple expression language.

Figure 2-1: Dynamic Rebuilding of The Syntax Tree

The main idea behind incremental algorithm is to repair existing syntax tree by replacing just the small part which is invalid due to recent changes in source code (keystrokes, editing operations). Existing linear algorithms for parsing (in this case LR(1) parsing algorithm) are not acceptable simply because they analyze the whole source file, which is unacceptably slow for an environment which needs to be interactive.

Unfortunately, most computer languages were never created with incremental properties in mind. Because of that most of them have language constructs which are hard to incrementally analyze. For instance, multi-line comments (like /* */ in C language) present a problem because of their non-local nature. When the user opens a multi-line comment (types "/*") the rest of the input file represents an invalid syntax (as there is no comment closing). When the user closes a multi-line comment (types "*/") the rest of the input file again becomes a valid syntax structure. The result is that the unoptimized incremental syntax analyzer parses the whole input file every time the user types multi-line comments.

C and C++ are particularly difficult to implement in an incremental environment. This is due to the quite awkward lexical and syntax language constructs. For instance, C and C++ standards define a concept of the language preprocessor. Macro defined with a language preprocessor defines text replacements in all source files which use that macro. If the user changes a macro definition, that modification implies lexical and syntax change in many other files, which often requires reparsing of the entire set of input files. Except with the preprocessor, C and C++ have issue with ambiguous syntax rules. For instance, the following line in C++:
myfile (a);

can represent two syntax structures:

  1. declaration of variable a with type myfile (if myfile is a user defined structure), or
  2. function call with variable a as function argument (if myfile is a user function).

In order to determine the exact context, the parser needs semantic information -- which makes incremental analysis much more complex. Efficient methods for incremental analysis of different programming languages are still a subject of discussion in scientific literature.

Some other languages are much more suitable for incremental analysis. For instance, BASIC was created with incrementality in mind (line-based interpreter) and represents a good language choice for language-oriented environments.

Incremental engine developed inside this project was used in latter graduation thesis, which has the most recent version of incremental syntax analyzer and gives a demonstration of the concrete usage of this engine.